3 1/2 Inch Expansion Wallets, 12 x 5, Leather-Like Redrope

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3 1/2 Inch Expansion Wallets, 12 x 5, Leather-Like Redrope

Availability: In stock

SKU#: SMD71350
Brand: Smead
Neat and professional wallets feature a distinctive classic material. An elastic cord holds the protective flap tightly around the wallet. Double-thick front and back panels. Full-height redrope gusset, rollover reinforced with Tyvek? at top or fully Tyvek? lined redrope printed stock. This product was made from wood that came from a certified managed forest.


Neat and professional wallets feature a distinctive classic material. An elastic cord holds the protective flap tightly around the wallet. Double-thick front and back panels. Full-height redrope gusset, rollover reinforced with Tyvek? at top or fully Tyvek? lined redrope printed stock. This product was made from wood that came from a certified managed forest. Expandable File Folder Type: Elastic Cord Closure Wallet; Size: 5" x 12"; Width: 12"; Height: 5".